There are a lot of coding langauges that you are going to learn as a web developer and HTML is most likely what you will learn first.
Blog post by MF Mabala
I started web development without any prior experience. I struggled for a long time asking myself if I should make any career changes and I finally started learning about programming and that was the best decision I took in terms of my career.
Code Editor
Every coding language you are going to learn you have to develop your code in a code editor . A code editor is where you write and develop your code for a certain web page so that you able to view it as a complete product on your web browser. VSCODE is a popularly used code editor and most web developers will use this.
HTML (Hypertext markup language)
Html is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content. HTML is a very important programming language. You must learn HTML before anything thing else. I developed several projects using HTML, and I could say this is one of the easiest programming languages. Html Is the standard markup language for websites. In HTML there is a syntax to follow and a boilerplate to use when writing code.
What is a boilerplate?
A boilerplate is a pre-prepared library of code that can be copied and is meant to be used as a starting point to start building web projects.
There is a shortcut you can use for the boilerplate which is " Shift + 1" you will see an exclamation mark options then you choose the single exclamation.
Html explained
It is made up of elements that can be applied to different texts and give them a different meaning. Example: headings <h1>, paragraph <p>, ordered lists <ol> images<img> and so forth. I learned a way to structure my websites and different sections and webpages. You add attributes on elements to provide additional information about a specific element. Examples: href, title, src and many more.
The most important thing when writing HTML code is to make sure that your codes are enclosed in the correct divs or containers for a pleasant coding experience.
One thing to avoid when writing code in HTML.
- Always use the alt attribute on image tags. Some readers use screen reading and often they do not see the pictures displayed on the screen. By using the alt attribute, they will know what the Image Is about.
Wrong way- <img src="dog.jpeg"/>
Right way- <img src="dog.jpeg" alt="Image of a dog"/>